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All Through Curriculum

At King’s Oak our goal is:

  • to deliver an engaging and inspiring curriculum so that high standards, high aspirations and high expectations for student performance is achieved
  • to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares students for life, and unlocks future pathways into further education, training and employment
  • to provide a curriculum that meets the needs of students, ensuring appropriate support, stretch and challenge
  • to sequence a well-planned and progressive curriculum that facilitates high quality teaching and learning, every lesson, every day
  • to enhance a curriculum that nurtures an intrinsic passion for learning; supports personal, social, spiritual, emotional development; inspires creative and critical thinking; and improves independent study skills
  • to establish equality and diversity throughout an inclusive curriculum that represents and empowers students to be confident, proud, productive citizens in their local, national and global community
  • to offer a range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities to develop student experience and encourage wider participation and engagement

British Values Statement

Explore how our school addresses British Values in the curriculum and wider life of the Academy.

British Values Statement

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

At King’s Oak Academy, we pride ourselves on delivering a rich PSHE and Personal Development curriculum, including RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education). From September 2020, the statutory guidance came in to place on RSHE delivery, detailed in our RSE policy. Below, you will find a summary of the statutory guidance alongside our comprehensive curriculum offer from Reception to Year 11.

KOA RSHE curriculum

Below, you will find our PSHE and RSHE all-through curriculum intent statement:

KOA PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact

Curriculum Intent

Art All-Through Curriculum

Computing All-Through Curriculum

Design All-Through Curriculum

Drama All-Through Curriculum

English All-Through Curriculum

Geography All-Through Curriculum

Maths All-Through Curriculum

MFL All-Through Curriculum

RS All-Through Curriculum

Science All-Through Curriculum