Upper School Curriculum
Within the Upper School at King’s Oak Academy, we aim to give all students a broad curriculum offer both in terms of subject studied and qualification type. We offer a 2-year Key Stage 4 programme to ensure provision at KS3 is not narrowed.
Our current Key Stage 4 (Years 10 – 11) curriculum is divided in the following way:
Curriculum Area | Faculty | Subject | Number of Lessons per week | Qualification | Head of Faculty |
Basics | English | Language | 2 | GCSE (AQA) | Phil.spring@clf.uk |
Literature | 2 | GCSE (AQA) | |||
Step Up to English | 4 | Lv1 (AQA) | |||
Maths | Maths | 4 | GCSE (AQA) | Joe.Fraser@clf.uk | |
Further Maths | 4 | GCSE (AQA) | |||
Entry Level Certificate in Maths | 4 | Lv1 (AQA) | |||
EBACC | Science | Combined | 4 | GCSE (Edexcel) | Laura.phillips@clf.uk |
Separate Biology | 7 | ||||
Separate Chemistry | 7 | ||||
Separate Physics | 7 | ||||
Humanities | Geography | 3 | GCSE (AQA) | Laura.Gladwin@clf.uk | |
History | 3 | GCSE (Edexcel) | |||
Creative Tech | Computing | 3 | GCSE (OCR) | Laura.phillips@clf.uk | |
Languages | French | 3 | GCSE (AQA) | Sabrina.marieanais@clf.uk | |
Bucket 3 | Humanities | Enterprise and Marketing | 3 | OCR Nationals – Tech Award Lv1 / 2 | George.tanner@clf.uk |
Religious Studies | 3 | EDUQAS | |||
Health | Hospitality and Catering | 3 | EDUQAS Tech Award Lv1 / 2 | James.cornick@clf.uk | |
Health & Social Care | 3 | BTEC Tech Award Lv1 / 2 | |||
Sport | 3 | BTEC Tech Award Lv1 / 2 | |||
Travel & Tourism | 3 | BTEC Tech Award Lv1 / 2 | |||
Creative Tech | Fine Art | 3 | GCSE (AQA) | Laura.phillips@clf.uk | |
Product Design | 3 | GCSE (EDUQAS) | |||
Health | PSHE | Yr9 – 1 Yr10 & 11 – 2 tutor sessions | Not Examined | James.cornick@clf.uk |
Students must study English Language, English Literature, Maths and a Science option, along with PSHE. They then select four guided choices covering EBACC and Bucket 3. Where needed individualised learning pathways will be put in place through partnership with the student, family, SENCo and the academic team for example studying ‘Step Up to English; and ‘Entry Level Maths’.
We offer a wide breath of subjects at Key Stage 4 based on student need, enjoyment, future potential pathways and a balance of learning and opportunity.
For further information regarding our curriculum, please contact:
Ellie Doyle
Assistant Principal – Head of Upper School