What has been happening at KOA and at home during Term 5
Find out what outstanding work and other fantastic things have been happening at KOA and at home during Term 5 by reading our latest Newsletter HERE
KOA – One Call Away video
The children still attending King’s Oak, along with Miss Pearch and Mr Gribble, and some help from Digitech students, created this video with the staff of King’s Oak to share with you this special message – We are only ONE call away!’
You can watch the video HERE
SGS College home tutoring support
SGS launches a new free Home Tutoring Programme for Maths and English.
Welcome Back Term 5 – Letter to Parents
Letter to all parents on 20th April 2020 from Katherine Ogden, Associate Principal:
I hope that everyone is keeping safe and well during this time and that most of you have been able to have a restful Spring holiday in spite of the on-going pandemic. We have all had to adapt to new ways of working, so I want to take this opportunity to say what an amazing job you are doing supporting your child’s well-being and learning during this time.
It has definitely been a strange and challenging time, so it is understandable if you and your child feel anxious and frustrated at the moment. Please remember that we are here for you every step of the way as we figure this all out together. While we miss having children in the academy, we must continue to follow the Government guidance to keep everyone in our community safe. In the meantime, we will continue to do our utmost to keep connected with you and your family and help provide home learning activities for your child/ren to get stuck into during the day until we are able to re-open the Academy following guidance from the Government.
Finally, as we start a new term, I would like to update you on some of the events that have taken place during the Spring holiday (see below), remind you that the next round of home learning work will be uploaded onto Insight/See-saw on Monday morning and share some important information regarding scam emails.
IMPORTANT Exam information for Year 11 parents and students
KOA has received further information from Ofqual regarding the assessment process for your upcoming GCSEs. As you will appreciate, under the current circumstances this has been a complex piece of work to ensure that students are not disadvantaged and their work they have completed is fairly reflected in the qualifications they are awarded.
Read this letter to parents and students.
Details that outline the GCSE awarding process can be found by clicking the links below:
Information for schools, students and parents
In summary, the key messages are:
Schools will be asked to submit:
• A ‘Centre Assessment Grade’ which is the grade you would have most likely achieved if you had sat your exams.
• A rank order of students within each grade for each subject.
Further information:
• Schools have been asked to consider a range of assessment methods such as classwork and homework; your results in assignments and mock exam; any non-exam assessment or coursework you have done; and your general progress during each course.
• Grades submitted to the exam boards will then go through a process of standardisation to ensure fairness across schools.
• At this stage, please do not carry on with completing any coursework. You will not be disadvantaged if you were not able to complete work that was given out after King’s Oak was closed.
• We have been told by Ofqual that we cannot share the Centre Assessment Grades with students, parents or carers. As a result, currently, we are unable to release any grades from exams already taken this year until we have received further guidance.
• You will receive your grades by August if not earlier.
• You will then have the option to appeal the grades (where appropriate) and/or sit the exam during the next academic year.
I hope that the update above provides some reassurance and clarity about what happens next for your GCSEs although I understand you may be feeling unsettled. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mr Cormack: [email protected] or the Heads of House team: [email protected]
Gruffalo cartoons about staying safe during the Covid-19 crisis
The creators of the Gruffalo have produced a series of cartoons to encourage people to stay home during the crisis.
You can see more of these cartoons HERE
Parents Guide to coping with school closures
A free online guide for parents of teens, explaining how you can protect your family’s health and wellbeing (mental and physical), help your children study at home and cope with the added stresses and anxieties the current situation brings. www.theparentsguideto.co.uk/coronovirus
Find out what has been happening at KOA during Term 3
To find out what has been happening at KOA during Term 3, read the latest Newsletter HERE
Cheque presentation for Young Epilepsy
Today we welcomed Mrs Sarah Reid for the presentation of a cheque for £650.50 for Young Epilepsy which was raised at our Christmas Concert. Thank you for all your support.
Find out what has been happening at KOA during Term 2
Find out what has been happening at KOA during Term 2.
Read the latest newsletter HERE
Food Bank donations
Our donated food has been delivered to the Resound Food Bank in Mangotsfield and will be made available to those who have difficulty purchasing enough food to avoid hunger due to an emergency situation. Thank you to everyone who donated food to help the local community.
Year 10 Work Experience – 29 June – 1 July 2020
Work experience is designed to give each student a greater understanding of the world of work and to work with adults other than teachers.
King’s Oak Academy has a dedicated Work Experience Team to offer advice, guidance and support in helping students find an appropriate placement and make the most o the experience. Later in the year, we will also be able to offer Year 10 careers support in deciding on their future pathway after GCSEs.
We are continually looking to expand the Academy’s work experience database in order to offer as many opportunities to our students as possible. If you or your employer could offer a Work Experience place to a student, please contact Mrs Alam-Lloyd or Mrs Felski at King’s Oak Academy.
Please support your child to find a placement – for more information and guidance please read the letter to Parents introducing Work Experience and other documents below.
Letter to parents introducing Work Experience
Work Experience Agreement and Health Declaration
An example of a letter or wording for an email that can be sent to an employer