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Student Leadership

Kings’ Oak Academy provides many opportunities for our students to develop their social and leadership skills, and demonstrate independence, responsibility and reliability. We entrust pupils with responsibilities that aim to nurture their strengths and abilities.

It has been proven that when children actively participate in leadership in school life, and their ideas and opinions are listened to and valued, they feel respected and encouraged to make further contributions.

Formal pupil leadership provides important benefits for both the pupil and the wider academy. Student Ambassadors and Academy Prefects have the potential to influence the school environment and the behaviour of their fellow pupils by becoming advocates for positive change across the academy community.

Leadership opportunity also further strengthen support for students in their next stage of further education, employment or training when leaving our academy, and allow more opportunities to become available.

The benefits to our academy and students include:

  • Developed communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Improved academic performance for students involved.
  • Greater commitment to the academy ethos.
  • Positive influences on the atmosphere and culture of the academy.
  • A strengthened sense of belonging as a wider student community.
  • Increased co-operation from all pupils.
  • A network of support for all pupils across the three schools.
  • Supported transition through the three schools.
  • A collective sense of ownership to our local and wider Kingswood community.
  • A sense of pride to wear the badge and represent King’s Oak.

JD Academy Prefect

JD King’s Oak Ambassador

Student Leader Application Form

Student Leader Code of Conduct 2024-25

Student Leader Contract

Student Leadership Rationale

The deadline for all Student Leadership 2023-2024 applications for the current Year 10 to be received by Mr Marshall-Aherne is Friday 23 June. Applications are to be emailed to [email protected]