Insight and Teams Instructions

Tuesday 17th November
A KOA step-by step Youtube tutorial that explains how to access Insight and Teams Virtual lessons/events.  Click HERE For more information and instructions for Insight. Click HERE

Covid Symptoms at home flow chart for primary and secondary parents

Tuesday 17th November

Year 9 Mental Health during lockdown

Tuesday 17th November
You might have seen in the BBC News recently a report about teenage mental health during lockdown undertaken by Bristol University in 17 schools in the south west. This was part of a project that Ms Shaw has been doing with Year 9 for the past year which has provided

Academy Councillor Election

Tuesday 17th November
We currently have a vacancy for an Academy Councillor and parents and carers are welcome to put their name forward should they wish to stand for election.  Much like a Governing Body, the Academy Council’s role is to ensure your children learn in a safe environment and to the maximum

Wider opening arrangements for all students in September 2020

Monday 16th November
Letters have been sent home to parents/carers of all students explaining the wider opening arrangements for September 2020. We have also included useful Frequently Asked Questions for both the Acorn and the Secondary Academies. You can read the letters and FAQs below. Acorn Wider Opening Letter