Find out what has been happening at KOA in Term 3

Friday 12th February
  Read our latest newsletter HERE

Initially Yours Store Closure

Wednesday 27th January
A message from Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists Dear Customer, Since our acquisition of Initially Yours, your uniform has made the exciting transition to and we’re now in the process of creating professional product imagery for your school. Your current store will be closing this week as we make the changeover

Find out what has been happening at KOA during Term 2

Friday 18th December
Read our latest newsletter HERE

Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 11 December

Tuesday 8th December
Friday 11 December is National Christmas Jumper/Accessory Day in support of Save the Children. We are encouraging all students and staff to dust of their best/worst Christmas jumper, t-shirt, accessories, etc. and come to school with a festive look. THIS IS NOT A NON UNIFORM DAY.  Uniform must

King’s Oak Academy is consulting on its Admissions Policy

Monday 30th November
Consultation on the Draft Admissions Policy for King’s Oak Academy 2022/23 Admissions authorities are required to consult on their admission arrangements whenever a change to the arrangements are proposed, or if no changes are proposed, every seven years.  As such, the Cabot Learning Federation is consulting on the admissions arrangements

Friends of King’s Oak Primary online Xmas Fair

Monday 30th November

Primary Small Group Tours and video of recent live Virtual Information Event

Monday 30th November
Here is a recording of the Virtual Information Event which was held on Wednesday 18th November at 10:00 am. Thank you for considering King’s Oak Academy for your child. During October and November we are holding small group tours of our primary academy during the day, one family at

Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 11 November

Monday 30th November
Dear Parent/Carer of Year 7 students, Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening: Wednesday 11 November, 4.00 pm until 7.30 pm. I am writing to invite you to a Virtual Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 11 November between 4.00 pm and 7.30 pm. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your

What has been happening at KOA during Term 1

Tuesday 17th November
We have reached the end of Term 1! Whilst it has not been a typical term, across the last 33 days of learning we have seen staff and children show a real determination to Work Hard and Be Kind because we know that every day does count! Well done everyone.

King’s Oak on ITV

Tuesday 17th November
KOA is taking part in a trial scheme to ban vehicles dropping children off outside the school.  ITV West Country reporter, Katie Rowlett, visited the Academy to find out more.  If you would like to watch this report please click on the link ITV Report

Youth Sport Trust Wellbeing week

Tuesday 17th November
This week at King’s Oak Academy, we are supporting the Youth Sport Trust return to school programme focusing on the reintroduction of pupils back into school helping their recovery and wellbeing. During this week, students will take part in PSHE workshops, adapted PE lessons and Tutor sessions focusing on self-discipline,

Insight and Teams Instructions

Tuesday 17th November
A KOA step-by step Youtube tutorial that explains how to access Insight and Teams Virtual lessons/events.  Click HERE For more information and instructions for Insight. Click HERE

Covid Symptoms at home flow chart for primary and secondary parents

Tuesday 17th November

Year 9 Mental Health during lockdown

Tuesday 17th November
You might have seen in the BBC News recently a report about teenage mental health during lockdown undertaken by Bristol University in 17 schools in the south west. This was part of a project that Ms Shaw has been doing with Year 9 for the past year which has provided

Academy Councillor Election

Tuesday 17th November
We currently have a vacancy for an Academy Councillor and parents and carers are welcome to put their name forward should they wish to stand for election.  Much like a Governing Body, the Academy Council’s role is to ensure your children learn in a safe environment and to the maximum