Tickets are now available for Matilda

Friday 6th January
We are very excited to announce that tickets for King’s Oak Academy’s production of Matilda the Musical Jr. are now available! Tickets are only available via Eventbrite, tickets are £3.00 per person + booking fee.

Christmas Concert tickets are now available

Wednesday 16th November
Our Christmas Concert is on 6 December at 6:30 – 8:00 pm.  Tickets are available for a donation on Eventbrite by scanning the QR code below.  All money raised will go towards the new school minibus.

Read our Term 6 Whole School Newsletter

Friday 22nd July
We have had an extremely busy Term 6 this year. To find out more, read our latest newsletter HERE

Holiday activities and food clubs: Summer 2022

Thursday 30th June
South Gloucestershire Council are offering holiday activities and food clubs for children aged 5 to 16 years who live in South Gloucestershire.  This is funded by the Department for Education.  The activities and food clubs will run in the summer holidays (on weekdays only) between 25 July and 26 August.

Read our Term 5 Whole School Newsletter

Monday 30th May
We have been busy at King’s Oak during Term 5. To find out more, read our latest newsletter HERE

Read our Term 4 Whole School Newsletter

Friday 8th April
It has been a very busy term at KOA.  You can find out what has been happening by reading our latest Whole School Newsletter HERE

Ex KOA Student representing England in World Hip Hop Dance Championships

Monday 28th March
Ex King’s Oak student Courtney Baldwin will soon be flying out to the USA to start training to compete in the ICU World Dance Championships. Although this is aN amazing opportunity, sadly this is also completely self-funded so Courtney is looking for any kind of sponsorship to help her make

School Health Nurses – Free webinars for parents and carers

Monday 14th March
These sessions during March 2022 are suitable for carers of children and young people of all ages. Continence in children and young people Healthy eating and physical activity Keeping your child happy and healthy Helping your child with sleep Eating disorder awareness Dental health Understanding your child’s wellbeing Click this

Read our Term 3 Whole School Newsletter

Friday 18th February
It has been a very busy Term 3.  You can find out what has been happening at KOA by reading our latest Whole School Newsletter HERE

Read our Term 2 Newsletter

Friday 17th December
We have been very busy at KOA during Term 2.  To find out more read our latest newsletter HERE

Coffee Mornings

Friday 17th September
At King’s Oak Academy we pride ourselves on working closely with parents and the community. Our parents’ coffee mornings are a wonderful opportunity for parents to get together, share ideas and challenges over a cup of coffee. Miss Ogden, Mrs Baker and the Heads of School are also on hand

Find out what has been happening in our Term 6 Newsletter

Wednesday 21st July
You can read all the latest news from King’s Oak Academy in our Term 6 Newsletter HERE

Robins Foundation free holiday programme for young people aged between 6-12

Friday 9th July
Contact [email protected] or phone 07899 991983 for more information and to book your place.  Fit and Fed Questionnaire

Find out what has been happening at KOA in Term 5

Thursday 27th May
Read our latest Newsletter HERE

Find out what has been happening at KOA in Term 4

Wednesday 31st March
Lots has been happening at KOA during Term 4. Find out more by reading our latest Newsletter HERE