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Academy Council

Governance within a multi-academy trust

King’s Oak Academy is part of the Cabot Learning Federation, a multi-academy trust that is responsible for a number of academies across Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Gloucester and Somerset. Governance for a multi-academy trust operates at two levels. At trust level, there is a Board of Directors. The directors are accountable to the Department for Education and external government agencies, including the Charity Commission, for the quality of the education the trust provides and the effective use of the associated academy funding. They are required to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of quality, financial probity, safety and good practice. The Board is provided assurance on a number of these areas through various sub-committees, as shown in the diagram below. Visit the CLF website for more information about the board.

Academy Council

At a local level, each academy has an Academy Council comprising of up to 9 Academy Councillors. Academy Councils are responsible for holding Principals and their leadership teams to account for the quality and effectiveness of the academic experience of the students under their care with the aim of securing effective school improvement. They do this through monitoring performance against an annual academy improvement plan, through monitoring risks and responses to risks, and by overseeing systems and processes for the safeguarding of children and the health, safety and wellbeing of academy staff.

Governance of King’s Oak Academy is undertaken by the Cabot Board and the King’s Oak Academy Council. This Academy Council consists of a mix of sponsor appointees, our Principal Katherine Ogden, plus elected staff and parent representatives.

If you would like to contact the Chair of the Academy Council please send your email via the clerk on [email protected]

At King’s Oak Academy we are sure that by working together – parents, staff, Academy Council members and students – we can achieve success on our journey to “Outstanding!”

Chair of the King’s Oak Academy Council

Diane Owen, Chair of the Academy Council – [email protected] 

Academy Council

Focus area – Leadership
Additional link – All through Sub-group

I am privileged to be the Chair of the Academy Council at King’s Oak Academy and am particularly excited to be involved in the development of this all-through academy. I have an educational background having worked in a range of Secondary schools. My experience has included working at a senior level as Assistant Headteacher and also a period as a Maths Consultant with South Gloucestershire Local Authority. I have been involved in governance for the last 10 years.

I am passionate about education and believe that every child should have the opportunity to achieve the very best outcomes, both academically and personally, within a safe and supportive environment. I work closely with the Principal and other members of the Academy Council to both challenge and support the Academy in ensuring that we provide every child with an excellent educational experience.

Academy Council Members

Katherine Ogden – Principal

Academy Council

Susie Weaver – Education Director

Academy Council

Focus Area – Curriculum Secondary Phase

Jon Jones – Executive Principal

Academy Council

Gary Pine – Vice Chair of the Academy Council

Focus area – Partnerships – Health and Community.

Living locally and working as an Interim Product & Marketing Executive; a specialist in digital transformation, change management and business turnaround, Gary has been working with King’s Oak Academy [KOA] for more than ten years.

Having started as a Parent Councillor, Gary now operates as a Sponsored Councillor and is currently the Link Councillor for Health and Safety.

Gary walks, runs or cycles most days on the roads and paths around KOA.

Liz Gregory

Academy Council

Focus Area: Safeguarding

Liz has been a teacher in secondary schools for the past twenty years. She has worked in various state and independent schools across the country and is now head of an all through school in the South West. Liz has a MEd in Educational Leadership and is a Fellow and Trustee of the Chartered College of Teaching. She is passionate about ensuring all pupils have the best educational experience which provides an essential foundation for their success and wellbeing.

Sonia Tibbatts

Focus Area – SEND

Michael Diggle – Student Advocate

Academy Council

I have been a part of the King’s Oak Academy community since 2021 (Team Maths), actively participating in various school events, clubs and initiatives. I am passionate about making sure young people have the best possible chance to succeed in life and I also want to work in an enjoyable, supportive, and progressive environment so being part of the Academy Council presents the opportunity to affect positive change.

I am late into teaching, with a 20-year career in food sales and marketing in the UK and internationally behind me, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my transition into the classroom with the different rewards and challenges it presents.

Deda Odutola – Parent Councillor

Focus area – Partnerships – STEM

I joined the council as a parent councillor in 2021. Thirteen years earlier, I was a community governor at a primary school in London. My oldest son was one of the first cohort in the primary school so it feels like I’ve been part of the growth of the Acorn!

Tamasyn Russell – Parent Councillor

Focus area – Literacy

Sabrina Marie-Anais – Staff Councillor

Focus area – Lower School Outcomes

I have had the pleasure of teaching Modern Foreign Languages since 2002; I have held various academic and pastoral leadership roles at King’s Oak Academy, and I currently lead the MFL department. As an educator, I believe schools provide excellent opportunities to broaden young people’s horizons and aspirations and I feel privileged to be part of our students’ lives, working alongside their families to help them make informed choices and achieve their personal best.  

Anthony Wilkinson – Staff Councillor

Academy Council

After twelve years working in children’s publishing, commissioning and editing books for primary ages, I made the switch to teaching in 2018. With two primary-aged children of my own I was naturally drawn to an Early Years specialism, and feel passionately about how a nurturing environment with high expectations and trusting relationships can have such a positive influence on a child’s wellbeing and future progress.

I trained in Year 1 at King’s Oak, have taught in Reception, and now teach again in Year 1. I have seen the Primary phase develop and transition into the all-through structure in this time, and am delighted as Student Advocate to bring the voice of the students to the Academy Council.

Lensford Richards – LA Councillor

Focus area – Partnerships – EDI

Shelly Ball – Foundation Trust Councillor

Focus area – Attendance and Disadvantage

Pecuniary Interests

Constitution, Declarations and Attendance 2023-2024

Constitution, Declarations and Attendance 2022-2023

Academy Council Pecuniary Interests 2022-2023