IMPORTANT Exam information for Year 11 parents and students
KOA has received further information from Ofqual regarding the assessment process for your upcoming GCSEs. As you will appreciate, under the current circumstances this has been a complex piece of work to ensure that students are not disadvantaged and their work they have completed is fairly reflected in the qualifications they are awarded.
Read this letter to parents and students.
Details that outline the GCSE awarding process can be found by clicking the links below:
Information for schools, students and parents
In summary, the key messages are:
Schools will be asked to submit:
• A ‘Centre Assessment Grade’ which is the grade you would have most likely achieved if you had sat your exams.
• A rank order of students within each grade for each subject.
Further information:
• Schools have been asked to consider a range of assessment methods such as classwork and homework; your results in assignments and mock exam; any non-exam assessment or coursework you have done; and your general progress during each course.
• Grades submitted to the exam boards will then go through a process of standardisation to ensure fairness across schools.
• At this stage, please do not carry on with completing any coursework. You will not be disadvantaged if you were not able to complete work that was given out after King’s Oak was closed.
• We have been told by Ofqual that we cannot share the Centre Assessment Grades with students, parents or carers. As a result, currently, we are unable to release any grades from exams already taken this year until we have received further guidance.
• You will receive your grades by August if not earlier.
• You will then have the option to appeal the grades (where appropriate) and/or sit the exam during the next academic year.
I hope that the update above provides some reassurance and clarity about what happens next for your GCSEs although I understand you may be feeling unsettled. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mr Cormack: [email protected] or the Heads of House team: [email protected]