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Digitech Diplomas Post 16

Digitech Diplomas Post 16


Digitech Post 16 Studio offers two specialist courses Digital Entrepreneurship and Creative Media and Arts.  Perfect for the coders, designers, creatives, film makers, innovators and entrepreneurs of the future.

Visiting Music Teachers

On Wednesday 20th  March the Music Department welcomed five music teachers from Greece, Malta and Spain. They joined Mr Warren to discover more about music education here in the UK and to sample two lessons with some of our Year eight and nine students.

They commented on our excellent resources and very polite, welcoming students. We look forward to future liaison with their home schools.

Talent Show

Digitech Diplomas Post 16This event has been organised by the Year 11 BTEC Music students and will be held on Thursday 21st March in the Hexagon at 6.30 pm.  Tickets are available from the school office and are cheaper if you buy them in advance – £3.00 for adults and £2.50 for children.  They will be £3.50 and £3.00 if you buy them on the door on the night!

We will be supporting Cancer Research UK and Meningitis B and any donations towards the raffle would be very welcome.

Thank you – we look forward to seeing you there and supporting this event.

Free Keyboard lesson for pupils in Years 1, 2 or 3

Digitech Diplomas Post 16Yamaha Music Point, based here in the Music Department of KOA, will be holding a Road Show at four of our local primary schools, including the Acorn, on Monday 4th February.  The pupils in Years 1, 2 and 3 will be given a voucher for a free 45 minute keyboard lesson  here at KOA.

These lessons will be available to anybody whether or not they were present at the road shows. If you would like a voucher to complete please collect one from the main office at KOA.  These will be available from Monday 4th February, but must be returned to the Music Department by Wednesday lunchtime (6th) to enable us to contact you confirming availability.

The free lessons are only available on either Friday 8th February (between 3.30 and 5.30) or Saturday 9th February (9.30-1.15)

Presentation to South Glos. Young Carers

IMG_4440At our Christmas concerts we raised the considerable sum of £728.60 for the South Gloucestershire Young Carers.  The cheque was presented by some of the performers and students from KOA who are part of the Young Carers group.  Well done!

Christmas Concerts tickets now available

Digitech Diplomas Post 16

As the Colston Hall is closed for refurbishment this year, we have a welcome return to our own Hexagon Theatre. Many of our young people

  will be taking to our stage on Wednesday 12 December and Thursday 13 December, joined by pupils from two of our partner primary schools, Cadbury Heath and The Tynings Primary Schools [Wednesday only].  It will be an event not to be missed and one which we trust will bring our community together to enjoy making music.

Tickets are on sale at the school office from Wednesday 5 December at the cost of £3.00 and £2.00 for concessions. All parents/carers and friends of the academy are invited to come along and enjoy the shows; please extend to others a warm welcome on our behalf. Cheques should be made payable to ‘King’s Oak Academy’.

As the Hexagon has a considerably smaller capacity than the Colston Hall, we would ask you to buy your tickets as promptly as possible; this will help us as we put into place the more detailed planning arrangements for the concert.

During the evening, a silver collection will be held for the South Gloucestershire Young Carers, which we hope you will support.

Refreshments and a raffle will also be available.

 We look forward to your company on either Wednesday 12 December [primaries] or Thursday 13 December [secondary].

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 14th December, we will be supporting Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day!  We will be holding a non-uniform day, with an option to wear a Christmas jumper, for a £1 voluntary donation.  Many thanks for your support.

Digitech Diplomas Post 16

Yamaha Music Lessons at KOA

YMP logo.jpg Music PointBristol Yamaha Music Point at King’s Oak Academy would like to offer you something special.

The normal cost for an hour’s music tuition is £9.00

As a unique music treat we would like to offer your child, three, one hour lessons with a specialist trained Yamaha teacher, at the bargain price of £20.00.  During these lessons each pupil will discover their excitement of learning an instrument and begin the musical journey to possible future stardom!!

This fantastic offer is only available on the following times and dates. After these sessions we will be offering the opportunity to sign up for the full Yamaha course.

DRUMS with Dan Elston:     4:15 – 5:15 pm on Wednesday evenings. The dates are December 5th, 19th and January 9th

KEYBOARD with Luke Woolley:   4.30-5.30pm, or 5.30-6.30pm on Tuesday evenings December 4th, 11th and 18th.

ELECTRIC GUITAR with Nick Shelley:  4.15pm- 5.15pm on Wednesday afternoons December 5th, 12th and 19th.

We anticipate a high demand and would recommend you sign up as quickly as possible, the deadline is 12.00 pm on Friday 30th November to guarantee a place.

Please note this offer is subject to certain conditions and may change depending upon the uptake of certain instruments. You are able to take up this offer on as many instruments as you wish. You may also use the offer with brothers, sisters and friends. They do not have to attend your primary school.

To sign up you will need to do the following:

Carefully complete the return slip HERE.  Please write clearly.

Return the completed slip below with the £20 fee in a sealed envelope to the office at your primary school. Mark the envelope with YAMAHA TUITION, the instrument chosen and the pupil’s name on the front. Lesson fees MUST be paid in advance to guarantee a place at the taster sessions.

If you would like to find out more about Bristol Yamaha Music Point at KOA, or have any questions, please check out our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/BristolYMP/ or contact Tim Warren, Team Leader of Performance and Participation,  [email protected]
To apply, complete the return slip HERE and return to your child’s school office.


East Bristol Foodbank Christmas Appeal

This year we are supporting the Foodbank Christmas Appeal in Kingswood.  In the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas the Foodbank will provide over 400 Christmas food parcels for local individuals and families, as well as their usual food.

We would like students to bring in items on the shopping list (see below)  and leave them at main reception or at student reception.  We will be going up to the Foodbank with everything that has been collected on the 17th December.   Thank you all for your support.

Shopping list:  tinned ham/chicken; tinned/instant potato; biscuits; custard and jam; UHT long life milk; long life fruit juice; chocolate/selection boxes; tinned vegetarian meals; shower gel/shampoo; toothpaste/toothbrushes.

Digitech Diplomas Post 16


Supportive Parents – South Gloucestershire Support Group


Supportive Parents is a charity providing information, advice and support to parents, children and young people with any type of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).  Our support group meets monthly to give you the opportunity to meet other parents, share your experience/concerns and find out more about SEN.  We also welcome interested professionals.

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Parent Forums

The dates and topics of the next four Parent Forums are as follows:

Monday 26th November – Online Safety
Monday 17th December – Mental Health
Monday 28th January – Homework
Monday 25th February – Anti Bullying

The Parent Forums are held in the Acorn (primary school) from 3:15 – 4:15 pm.

It is really informal so please feel free to come along to our next Forum and have a tea/coffee and chat.

We look forward to seeing you there

King’s Oak Academy Pastoral Team.