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Early finish today (23.7.18)

Our secondary students will be finding out their new tutor groups during Period 6 today; this will lead to an early finish of 3:00 pm. If this arrangement causes parents a problem, students can stay in school until the normal time.  Thanks.

School Meals in the Autumn Term

Aspens is the company we use to provide the meal service to our students.  The food children eat at school plays an important role in their wellbeing, and eating a well-balanced diet will not only maintain and improve their health, but will also set them on the right track for later life.  Aspens understand this and that’s why they are passionate about serving fresh, high quality and locally sourced food that is cooked in the kitchen at KOA.  More information

Below is the menu for Autumn 2018 and from September 2018 the price of a school meal will be £2.30.


Aspens Autumn 2018 menu


Summer Reading Challenge 2018 for Students

LRC Summer Challenge

During the summer holidays, students can take part in our Summer Reading Challenge.  Read four novels of your choice, choose your favourite summer read and produce a short piece of work to show your enjoyment of the book.  Win afternoon tea in the LRC with the Principal.


CLF Music Masterclasses TONIGHT

DON’T FORGET – TONIGHT – FREE – CLF Music Masterclasses at King’s Oak Academy 4.30 – 7.30 pm.  See poster below for more information.  THIS IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL MUSICIANS – NOT TO BE MISSED.

CLF Masterclass

Year 8s AWARE Project

The AWARE project wants to know if certain types of wellbeing and mental health focussed lessons are helping young people.  All of the Year 8 students at King’s Oak have been invited to take part by completing some questions which will take 30 – 40 minutes.  We are asking for the permission of parents/carers for their children to take part.

Parents/carers can find out more information in the Parent and Carers Information Sheet which provides an overview of the project and includes an opt-out consent form if parents/carers do not want their child’s data to be used, as well as a privacy notice detailing the legal basis for processing data for the project.


Important notices for students

  1. We have had reports of a man wearing a grey tracksuit acting suspiciously in the local area.  Whilst there are no concrete reasons for us to be concerned for your safety, please follow normal guidelines of not talking to strangers and reporting any suspicious incidents to a trusted adult in school.
  2. We have had reports that a student in another local school has been taken to hospital seriously ill after swimming in Saltford river.   Please ensure that you follow swimming/safety advice during this period of hot weather.

Flexible Learning Days

On the 27th and 29th June we have introduced two flexible learning days on which the normal school timetable is collapsed.  Students are given the opportunity to participate in activities and events that are designed to enhance their curriculum, create further opportunities for their social, moral, cultural and spiritual development and to develop the attributes required in preparation for life in modern Britain.

Before each flexible learning day, students will be informed of their activity programme and if there any special requirements, for example: wearing PE kit to school.

The timings for the school day will remain the same.  Students will be expected to attend registration at 8.45am before starting their carousel of activities.  The school day will end at 3.15pm.
Flexible learning days tt

Year 6 Induction Evening – IMPORTANT CHANGE

Our Year 6 Induction Evening is on Thursday 28th June.  This is for parents and students who are going to be joining King’s Oak in Year 7 in September.  The start time of this event has been brought forward to 5.30 pm to ensure we are all home in time to support England in their World Cup match which kicks of at 7.00 pm.

Year 9 exam timetable

Below is the mock exam timetable for year 9 which will start on the 25th June.

SubjectTime/When the exams will take placeWhich classes?Location/where the exams will take place
Sciencelesson 4 MondayLesson 6 Monday

Lesson 2 Tuesday

Lesson 3 Tuesday

(1hour 10 minutes)






Science Classrooms
English LanguageLesson 5 & 6 Tuesday (1hour 45 minutes)All year 9 studentsHexagon and Elliot
English Lit.Lesson 1 ThursdayLesson 5 Thursday
(40 minutes)


English classrooms
MathsLesson 1 & 2 Wednesday   (Paper 1)
Lesson 5 & 6 Wednesday (Paper 2)
(Each paper is 1hr 30 mins)
All year 9 studentsHexagon and Elliot

Secondary Parents’ Forum – Monday 18th June 2018

The next Secondary Parents’ Forum is on Monday 18th June, at 3.30-4.30pm in the Acorn. We will be focussing on Show My Homework and how to support young people with their school work at home. These forums are very informal, please come along and have a free tea/coffee and a chat