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Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 11 November

Dear Parent/Carer of Year 7 students,

Year 7 Virtual Parents’ Evening: Wednesday 11 November, 4.00 pm until 7.30 pm.

I am writing to invite you to a Virtual Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 11 November between 4.00 pm and 7.30 pm. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress with their Tutor and together consider support for their next learning steps.

Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, we will conduct these conversations over the phone rather than face-to-face.

To facilitate this, Year 7 Tutors will have “Year 7 check-in” conversations with Parents/Carers and it will be a more ‘primary phase’ style conversation around how your child has settled into Year 7 (general feedback about conduct, attitude etc.). Any subject specific queries can be passed on to subject teachers, who can make phone calls home another time. Heads of House, the Year 7 Raising Attainment Lead and the Senior Leadership Team will also make additional phone calls to Parents/Carers of students with concerns identified.

Please note: if your child is in 7.5, please book your appointment as normal with their designated Tutor and I will make the phone calls on their behalf.

Insight App (Google Play/Apple App Store)

Parents’ evening bookings can now be made using this application on your phone or on the website and the bookings will open on Friday 6 November. When you book your virtual appointment, please leave your contact number in the “Notes” section. To login, visit the KOA Insight website at https://koa-insight.clf.uk or enter the address on the App together with your Username and Password.

Once you have logged in for the first time, please check that your email, telephone numbers and home address are correct and amend if required.

Insight will also enable you to accurately track and monitor various aspects of your child’s progress at school via PC, laptop and mobile devices.  The following features are included:

• Parents’ Evening appointment booking system
• Daily behaviour and achievements
• Timetable information
• Information on homework that has been set
• Attendance statistics
• Notification/Alerts regarding forthcoming events.

Further information and a user guide is available here: http://kingsoakacademy.org.uk/insight-instructions/

If you have more than one child attending King’s Oak, you will be able to view all siblings under the same login. Please see the user guide for more information.

If you have any questions regarding Insight, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Taylor, who is heading up the introduction of Insight at KOA.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Marie-Anais, Year 7 Raising Attainment Lead


Thank you for considering King’s Oak Academy for your child.

During October and November we are holding small group tours of our primary academy during the day, one family at a time.  We would love to show you around so please contact the school office (01179 927129) to book an appointment

On Wednesday 18 November 2020 at 10:00 am we will hold a Virtual Information Event which will be a live event on Microsoft Teams.  The link you will need to join this event will be posted here before the event.

These events are aimed at parents of children who will be starting in Reception in September 2021 and are instead of our normal Open Events which we have been unable to hold this year because of the Covid related restrictions.

Responsibility for September Reception admissions to King’s Oak Academy for the academic year 2021-22 continues to rest with South Gloucestershire Student Access and Support Team.   Applications should be made directly to them and you can find out more information about the school’s admission arrangements on the South Gloucestershire website.

What has been happening at KOA during Term 1

We have reached the end of Term 1!

Whilst it has not been a typical term, across the last 33 days of learning we have seen staff and children show a real determination to Work Hard and Be Kind because we know that every day does count!

Well done everyone.

Find out more by reading our Newsletter HERE