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careerpilot logoCareerpilot has information on the full range of choices for 13-19 year olds, particularly useful for Year 11 and Post 16 students, who need to decide what to do next and have a back-up plan if exam results are unexpected.


You can start by looking at:

Choices at 16
Choices at 18
HESkills Map   (this will help Year 12s start identifying experiences and skills they can flat up on applications and personal statements).

And for parents and carers …

The Parent Zone  (answers questions that parents and carers really want to know like “Should my child do an apprenticeship or a degree?”



careers serviceNational Careers Service now on Careerpilot

Take a look:

The inspiration agenda
Pathways to Professions
Employer spotlights
Talking Heads: Industry Insights
LMI Resources
Free Digital Workshops and School e-pack